A very warm welcome and thank you for your time here with me.

Let me share with you a story which I find very meaningful. This  story  started me thinking seriously and I am positively  sure You will also relate to the story in your Quest to Earn More $$$$$...for yourself and loved ones.
The story:
Once upon a time there was this quaint little village. It was a great place to live except for one problem. The village had no water unless it rained. To solve this problem once and for all, the village elders decided to put out to bid the contract to have water delivered to the village on a daily basis. Two people volunteered to take on the task and the elders awarded the contract to both of them. They felt that a little competition would keep prices low and insure a back up supply of water.

The first of the two people who won the contract, Ed, immediately ran out, bought two galvanized steel buckets and began running back and forth along the trail to the lake which was a mile away. He immediately began making money as he laboured morning to dusk hauling water from the lake with his two buckets. He would empty them into the large concrete holding tank the village built. Each morning he had to get up before the rest of the village awoke to make sure there was enough water for the village when it wanted it. It was hard work, but he was very happy to be making money and for having one of the two exclusive contracts for this business.

The second winning contractor, Bill, disappeared for a while. He was not seen for months, which made Ed very happy since he had no competition. Ed was making all the money.

Instead of buying two buckets to compete with Ed, Bill had written a business plan, created a corporation, found four investors, employed a president to do the work, and returned six months later with a construction crew. Within a year his team had built a large volume stainless pipeline which connected the village to the lake.

At the grand opening celebration, Bill announced that his water was cleaner than Ed's water. Bill knew that there had been complaints about dirt in Ed's water. Bill also announced that he could supply the village with water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ed could only delivered water on the weekdays...he did not work on weekends. Then Bill announced that he would charge 75% less than Ed did for this higher quality and more reliable source of water. The village cheered and ran immediately for the faucet at the end of Bill's pipeline.

In order to compete, Ed immediately lowered his rates by 75%, bought two more buckets, added covers to his buckets and began hauling four buckets each trip. In order to provide better service, he hired his two sons to give him a hand for the night shift and on weekends. When his boys went off to college, he said to them,
        "Hurry back because someday this business will belong to you."

For some reasons, after college, his two sons never returned. Eventually Ed had employees and union problems. The union was demanding higher wages, better benefits, and wanted its members to only haul one bucket at a time.

Bill, on the other hand, realised that if this village needed water then other villages must need water too. He rewrote his business plan and went off to sell his high speed, high volume, low cost, and clean water delivery system to villages throughout the world. He only makes a penny per bucket of water delivered, but he delivers billions of buckets of water everyday. Regardless if he works or not, billions of people consume billions of buckets of water, and all that money pours into his bank account. Bill had developed a pipeline to deliver money to himself as well as water to the villages.

Bill lived happily ever after and Ed worked hard for the rest of his life and had financial problems forever after. 

                                         The end
 From the book 'The Cashflow Quadrant'
   by Robert T. Kiyosaki pages 4 - 5


Who Are You - a Bucket Carrier ? Or a Pipeline Builder ?

Do you get paid only when you show up and do the work, like Ed the Bucket Carrier?

Or do you do the work once and then get paid over and over again, like Bill the Pipeline Builder?

If you're like most people, you're working the bucket carrying plan. I call it the "Time-for-Money Trap." You know the drill: One hour's work equal one hour's pay. One month's work equals one month's pay. One year's work equals one year's pay. Sound familiar ?

The problem with bucket carrying is that the money stops when the bucket carrying stops. Which means the concept of a "secure job" or a "dream job" is an illusion. The inherent danger of carrying buckets is that the income is temporary instead of ongoing.

If Ed woke up one morning with a stiff back and couldn't get out of bed, how much money would he earn that day? Zero! No work, no money! Period.

What Would Happen to You If You Couldn't Put in the Time?

What about you - what would you do if your income stopped tomorrow?

What would happen if you got laid off?.....

What would happen if you got sick or disabled and couln't carry those buckets anymore?

What if a medical emergency ate up your savings?

What if your nest egg evapourated overnight?

If your income stopped tomorrow, how long could you pay the mortage?.....make your car payments?.....or pay for your kid's schooling?  Six months?.....Three months?.....Three weeks?!!!!!

If disaster strikes, do you have a lifeline that would protect you and your family? Or are you gambling that bucket carrying will continue uninterrupted for as long as you need the income?

Whether you push a broom.....push paper.....or push a profession.....you're still trading one unit of time for one unit of money.

Where's the security in that?

'Am I a bucket carrier or a pipeline builder?'  The story strikes me that  I had been a bucket carrier. For carrying a bucket of water...I am paid for a bucket of water. If I don't work, I don't earn. I am merely exchanging my time (labour) for money. To earn more money, I have to carry a bigger bucket. The question is ...For How Long Before I Stressed Out ???

Thus, to Earn More $$$$$ ....I must Leverage My Time. I soon realised that I must Be A Pipeline Builder !

It is my sincere intention to help you learn how you can change your life and succeed in being a pipeline builder - without hype, misinformation or ridiculous claims that you can be wealthy overnight.

Yes, YOU CAN be wealthy in the business of Network Marketing or Mutual Distribution (building pipeline) - if you make a considered, sensible and businesslike decision.

Success won't happen overnight. Heck, if you want a miracle...go to Genting Highlands ( the  Las Vegas of Malaysia) or buy a lottery ticket, pray to God and hope you will some money. Don't be fooled by companies which claim you can achieve with no work and no effort. That simply will not happen. The only people who get rich in these type of companies are the owners and big hitters. Period.

Here's the honest truth:
If you aren't  going to do a single thing and aren't going to read anything or DO anything when you get our package, and you're going to just keep sitting on the couch and let opportunity and LIFE pass you by because of fear or lack of knowledge or some other regret, then I don't want you in  my team. I don't want your money. Leave my site now.In fact, write out a check to your favourite charity and continue making your boss richer (not cool if you ask me)!

Network Marketing is a business like any other - and the reasons people fail are the same as the reasons they fail in business outside networking. It is vitally important that you become educated to understand how and why to choose not only your company, but also the team you work with.

Hi! My name is Chow Fook-Hing. My friends just called me ' Chow '. I live in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia with my family. I ' ve been in the network marketing business for almost five years. I am also involved in other traditional business activities.

Like many people, my early Networking efforts were laced with frustration. Even though I was able to build a network, it seemed impossible to KEEP people in my organisation. Of course, the long-term effect of this meant that there was no TRUE residual income!

It was only when I came to understand the importance of networking with a  company which offered the majority of Network participants, the part-time person, a way to get into profit FAST - early in their business building - which I began to enjoy high retention. This was the secret that eluded me in my early days.

The truth is that people come into Network Marketing to make money. When they don't see results (i.e. they don't make money) - they leave and go looking for another company where they try again, and again, and again...

They become Network Marketing 'junkies' by default, when all they are REALLY trying to do is find a business plan where they can realise the success that they KNOW is there somewhere! Their dream of financial freedom becomes a nightmare of broken promises, frustration - and in some cases even financial ruin!

My intent is to help you avoid this merry-go-round of frustrating failure. I want to help You Understand HOW to succeed and then help you DO it.

So, this is lesson number one - you need to work with a company where you break even and move into profit within 90 days.

Think about it - if you are making good money, you will continue to build your business, won't you? Why? Because you can see your success taking shape, you can see the business working for you. And think about what this means for the people who join you - they will also stay, won't they?

Of course, all other elements of successful business building also have to be present for you to enjoy success - top quality products that get results, duplicable systems and solid, caring upline and company support. Without them, you will still struggle.
A balanced, sensible and businesslike attitude and application on your part, married to a solid, secure company with a highly profitable compensation plan which gets you and your people into profit fast, is the key for you to succeed spectacularly.

The "Perfect" Business?...The "Perfect" Product?...Does It Exist?...
Are "Regular" People Really Making Money Online Or Is It Just One BIG LIE?!!

There are a lot of myths on the internet, lots of lies and as well, lots of 'insider' secrets that only a handful of people know.  Let's continue and I'll do my best to answer the above questions and more.

If you ever wanted a business where you could hit the ground running...a business where you could just open a box and start making immediate profits....a business that's completely set up and ready to pull maximum sales...with a product that practically sells itself....then I've got some great news for you!

Extremely Rare, Except For.....

While these types of products do exist, they are extremely rare, and most people in this business never get to feel the thrill that comes from the tidal wave of responses this type of product generates.

Often people want to know what is the quickest and easiest way to get into the network marketing business and earn lots of cash. In fact, these past couple of years, the same question has been asked , but with a twist..."how can all of this be done on the internet?"

Until recently, the answer has always been "Have the right product at the right time." And even that wasn't really enough. These days, the definition of the right product is a lot different than it was just a few years ago. The market has changed, consumers have changed, and even the methods of advertising products and taking orders has changed.

You see, getting into the network marketing , home-based business is now easier than ever. With all the exciting new methods of reaching customers ( internet, e-mail, fax-on-demand, voice mails, classified ads ,etc.), making real money with a network marketing/internet project can be accomplished without ever leaving your home!

Of course, even with all the great new methods of reaching customers, you still need the right product at the right time. And that's the glitch. It's hard to find the right product.

We ALL Have The SAME EXACT Problems!

Listen, if you are sitting here right now thinking, "Yeah, it's really hard trying to find a product or service to sell...the market is either saturated or the competition is  just way over my head...heck, how am I ever to compete with these people..they have more money, more experiences and ......" Guess what, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

I am a strong believer in what Gerry Robert mentioned in his book "The Millionaire Mindset"...about having multiple sources of incomes. When one source of income is stopped (like being retrenched from a job), other income sources can still maintain your daily needs...and lifestyle. Even Corey Rudl, Internet Marketing expert also shared the same opinion during his seminars about having multi-streams of incomes. Don't be sold on Plan 40/40/40....that's, working 40 hours for 40 years and retiring with a $40 'gold' watch.

Explore the following  pages and links. Join in the Program(s) that you are comfortable with. Which ever program You Choose, You Can Be Assured that you'll receive my full support to help you build a successful networking business...be it part-time or full time.

Warmest regards
Chow Fook-Hing

You Need Money To Make Money That's a very old (yet true) saying that I'm sure you've heard many times before...The simple fact that you will need money (not much) in order to make money. BUT, what if you don't have any money to get started? ...Then, how the heck will you ever 'make' it? Hence lies the "catch-22". This is one of the biggest roadblocks most new entrepreneurs face. (It's similar to the fact that most companies won't hire a new employee unless they have 'experience', but how can you gain any experience if nobody hires you?!!)  Well, a long time ago, I was in the same situation...and I  " borrowed " a couple of hundred dollars to start...get the hint ! I think it's time to put an end to the same old excuses you've been using for the past few years. Life is not getting any easier and you're not getting any younger. Don't you  think you owe it to yourself to take  a look at these incredible opportunities?

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